Technical Education plays an important role in the development of the country in general, emancipation empowerment principal of poor and disadvantaged groups/ population in particular it provide various types of man power. It is the backbone of the country for its infrastructure, industry and economic development. The technical education system provides the practical education to student so as to groom their personalities to such a level that they create a mark not only in the growth and development of our own country but also make a remarkable and positive dent in development knowledge economies of the world.
Haryana is the first state to introduce the “On-Line off Campus counseling” .
During the last six years, the state government /the department has taken many initiatives to improve the quality of technical education so as to make a Diploma/ Degree holders employable from day one . We show technology and teach them to work with own hands. Such a work culture has to be developed.

Labs and Workshops have to be research oriented. We need to perform things in labs instead of doing spoon feeding. No sample working but a complete work culture is the need of the day. A level needs to be attained where people from all and abroad should look at us as an image building factor.
This should be our goal as a Polytechnic to bring it to a status of an “Academy”. Today we cannot afford to be stand alone system.
Pankaj Bhalla