V.P.O Chhapar, Distt. Charkhi Dadri, Haryana -127026
V.P.O Chhapar, Distt. Charkhi Dadri, Haryana -127026

Electrical Engineering

Welcome to the Department of Electrical Engineering at Govt. Polytechnic, Chhapar. The Electrical Engineering Department was established in the year 2014. The department has highly qualified and competent faculty members and adequate facilities to support teaching and learning activity. The department has well equipped laboratories such as Electrical Machines laboratory, Power Systems Laboratory, Electrical Measurements laboratory, Power Electronics & Drives Laboratory, Electrical workshop & Computer laboratory. The faculty of the department are actively engaged in research, consultancy and testing in the area of renewable energy systems. The faculty of electrical department is regularly producing research publications in international and national journals and conferences of international repute. Students passing out from this department get excellent placements through campus selection in the core area industries of national and international level. Alumni of Electrical Engineering Department are very well placed in all sectors and have reached to the top echelons in the state/ central government organizations and the public sector undertakings.

Contact Information:

Sh. Pardeep Kumar
Incharge, Electrical Engineering
Govt. Polytechnic, Chhapar

FACULTY OF Electrical Engg.

Sr. No. Name of Faculty Designation Qualification Mobile Email Photo
1 Ankit Jangra Lecturer M.tech. 9729508895 ankit.jangra121@gmail.com
2 Amit Sharma Lecturer M.tech. 9034352580 bhardwajshal@yahoo.in
3 Pardeep Kumar Guest Lecturer M.tech. 9053171555 p.k.verma08@gmail.com
4 Mukesh Guest Lecturer M.tech. 7056366689  
5 Amit Kumar Guest Lecturer M.tech. 9541280260 amit326rudra@gmail.com