V.P.O Chhapar, Distt. Charkhi Dadri, Haryana -127026
V.P.O Chhapar, Distt. Charkhi Dadri, Haryana -127026

Workshop Department

The Workshop department have well equipped workshops for all trades with sufficient equipment and consumable items as per requirement.

Sh. Kuldeep Singh, Lecturer Mech. Engg. looks all the affairs of the department along with all the departmental staff members which are well qualified and dedicated.

About Workshop Department

The workshop department of GP Chhapar one of the largest and best workshop in the polytechnics of Haryana.

There are all leading workshops in the department with sufficient equipment and qualified and dedicated staff members.


Workshop Syllabus is different for different branch, So visit the branch and semester concerned.



Sr. No. Name of Faculty Designation Qualification Mobile Email Photo
1 Satish Kumar Guest Instructor C.T.I. 9050901328 [email protected]
2 Sanjay Guest Instructor C.T.I. 9991762721 [email protected]
3 Monika Rani Guest Instructor C.T.I. 8396935756 [email protected]
4 Pooja Guest Instructor C.T.I./ Diploma