V.P.O Chhapar, Distt. Charkhi Dadri, Haryana -127026
V.P.O Chhapar, Distt. Charkhi Dadri, Haryana -127026

The Department of Computer Engineering offers Three Years Diploma Course in Computer Engineering awarded by Haryana State Board of Technical Education, Panchkula. The department was started in 2004 to meet the demand for well qualified computer professionals. The intake of the course is 60 students. Department has well qualified and dedicated faculty for the betterment of the students. The department has provided well equipped computer labs having computer systems with latest computer software and internet facility.

FACULTY OF Computer Engg.

Sr. No. Name of Faculty Designation Qualification Mobile Email Photo
1 Virender Singh Lecturer MCA 9896703580 [email protected]
2 Vinay Kumar Programmer MCA 9416170500 [email protected]
3 Jyoti Lecturer M.tech. 8930578371 [email protected]
4 Pardeep Kumar Guest Lecturer M.tech. 8283924491 [email protected]